Tuesday 23 August 2011

Ice cream


Oh woe is me

University is not like what people crack it up to be... I still remember my tuition teacher telling me that university is a "relaxing" period in our lives... That's all bullshit...

Sure we get to choose whether or not to go to class, but if you're as anal as I am about attendance then that part has been crossed out. Indefinitely.

It's fun and everything... Like how I can go and hang out with my friends however long I want, no parents and all that money to spend...

But with all the assignment deadlines looming overhead, I feel a sense o panic come over me. I wish I could just be like those people who go through school without a worry... :/ I want to be like them.. Carefree.

After all, who gives a fuck if I finished my assignment or not?


I do... :/

Thursday 11 August 2011

Food for thought

Today my lecturer made me think about what Could make or break a blog. I've always wanted to create a successful blog that maybe one day would be able to help me earn money. Honestly that dream is slowly dying... I don't think thy I have the inspiration, drive and passion that I once had for blogging. I need to find out what a successful blog is first.. What do people want to read.

Maybe I should create a meme.. Relate to me... But it sounds too lame for it to actually catch on... After all, who really reads blogs anymore? With twitter and tumblr dominating the blogosphere these days, it's hard for any hardcore blogger. Picture based blogs or art based blogs wouldn't have a hard time I reckon. Tier blogs just involve uploading beautiful or funny pictures accompanied by a few lines of caption.

I dont have that kind of talent to flaunt. I write a good story, but I can never see it through to the end. I guess unconsciously, I don't want the stories to end. Which is why I never really try to end them. I want to try.. Now try.. I will do it.. One day..

I just need a good concept that I can build on... Since my angst was left behind in high school and I havent really been in love before.. Inspirational life blogs are really not my thing. I don't like fashion so I can't blog about that.. I don't have a good camera or a good eye for pictures.. I don't even have that much talent in drawing...

What I am good at though... Is learning languages... Give me time, music and a whole set of dramas and I'm set. I don't need lessons or a tutor.. I can learn on my own.. But how useful can that be to the blogosphere. How can that be used to appeal to my readers? That is, if they even exist...

I'll figure it out.. For now, I just wanna focus on my homework.. I need to finish this shit before I die of stress...